Stepping Into Your Sovereign Self Presents the...
Stepping Into Your Sovereign Self Presents the...
Imagineer the highest possible timelines for humanity and yourself and anchor those frequencies into reality in the here and now!
Clear limiting beliefs, emotional blocks and societal conditioning that keeps you sick, skint, sad and stuck, so that you can activate your inner sovereign creative power
Re-wire your mind, emotions and energy to naturally create prosperity in your life and for others
Connect to your body-mind's innate intelligence and learn how to use it to self-heal
Learn how to transform your negative thoughts and challenging emotions into stepping stones to creating a free and happy life in alignment with who you truly are
Since December 2020, we have been delighted to guide hundreds of people though energetic shifts, activations and transmissions, designed to connect to and bring in the New Earth that we desire, rather than the so called Great Reset template that the globalist parasite class are attempting to bring into being, through highjacking our creative energy.
As well as imprinting on the collective consciousness and bringing in higher timelines, these activations and emotional processing sessions have enabled many participants to make incredible shifts in their own lives. And, we've had requests from many others to be able to access the powerful activations in the earlier sessions.
Many of these sessions were held at energetically potent times. However, time is not only linear and it is possible to still access the energy of previous (and future) times by working in the quantum field.
Therefore, we have created this “Out of the Box Set” of all of the activations and sessions so far, up until the Freedom For Humanity Session on the Aries New Moon.
And, it's also incredibly beneficial to take part in these activations and sessions more than once. This is because of the impact of Morphic Fields.
A Morphic Field is the resonance that a specific outcome has in the reality that we all are experiencing. You can also call it a Habit of Nature. The more often an outcome has occurred, the greater the likelihood that it will occur again. This is reflected by a stronger Morphic Field.
Morphic fields affect all things. In biology, they cause different groups of cells to form in a specific way, so that organisms have some consistency in the constant regeneration of cells in the body.
And with habits and beliefs, the more they are reinforced, the greater the likelihood of them happening/being experienced again.
This is why, when you are trying to create new outcomes in your life, just doing something once is rarely enough. For example, with energy work, such as in these sessions, you can have an incredible session and it's possible that you can have some lasting benefits.
However, as the saying goes “old habits die hard” and you can find that the strong field of a destructive, unconscious habit or behaviour can creep back in again unconsciously.
The good news is that be repeating a process that you have already taking part in, you can reinforce the more empowering beliefs and behaviours that you accessed during that time, until after a while, they can create a stronger morphic field than the old behaviour.
And because these fields resonate out into time and space, this also has an impact on our collective reality!
Here are the sessions that you will receive when you take part in this programme (click on the side arrows for full details of each session):
Cleanse and strengthen the 12 strands of your DNA and receive the light codes of Divine Love which carries the code of unity christ consciousness.
This will prepare you for rapid spiritual growth and soul alignment to support you through the huge shifts we are facing at this time and prepare you on a cellular level to receive the crystalline codes and the activation of the 13th-21st strands of DNA on Rainbow Bridge Activation, connected to the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.
During this session, you will take part in a guided DNA activation process, channelled by Patricia Maddalena, where you will receive the upgrades to your DNA, activating the 12 strands through the light codes of Divine Love and preparing our light bodies for the 21st December. The process will activate our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.
You will prepare for the DNA activation by clearing emotional blocks and opening up our energy systems to receive the transmission, using simple meridian tapping techniques (EFT) guided by Sam Neffendorf.
Following the activation, you will again use tapping techniques to ensure that we leave the session feeling grounded and fully embodying the new energies.
Each of us will have our own unique healing and energetic experience. When all carried out together, this can have effects that reach far beyond us as individuals.
The Jupiter Saturn conjunction on 21st December marked the birth of a new era.
We're moving into an age when we will have a much greater understanding of how we create our reality through intention and frequency, and our manifesting powers will grow over the coming years.
Take part in powerful energetic activations, vibrational healing using sound and imprinting your intentions for the New Earth into the collective morphic field.
This event includes the following three sessions:
21/12 DNA, Kundalini and Rainbow Bridge Activation With Patricia Maddalena
In this session, activate a further 9 STRANDS of DNA, awakening the kundalini rainbow serpent within, cleansing all chakras, energetically opening up the bridge between the 7th plain of existence, the realm of pure love to stream through us and down into the heart chakra of Mother Earth.
This will then pump through her life lines re-energising her deep within every cell of her system...upgrading consciousness...birthing the New Earth for our Great Mother and all of her children.
Uluru Prophecy Activation with the Ancient Australian Didgeridoo With Gregg Chapman
Aboriginal Elders have foretold about this prophecy of a transformation that is starting with Uluru, Australia. This is an activation of energy that is believed to have been delivered by Pleiadeans and is located within Uluru.
Using the energy we activated, join together with thousands of people from around the planet with the frequency of love and compassion. This frequency will then go into the heart of Mother Earth to cleanse and heal and will then spread world wide to raise the frequency of the planet.
Co-Visioning The New Earth with Sam Neffendorf
Connect to the quantum field to shift and transform the collective vibration for both us as individuals and globally.
Using the Collective Consciousness Protocol from Matrix Reimprinting. It’s a powerful way to work together as a collective on transforming the energy of global events.
As well as healing at a collective level, you will also feel personal benefits and may experience new insights and inner peace. During this session, we will tune into the collective field of the current global situation and each individually clear whatever challenging energy and emotion comes up for us using EFT tapping and Matrix Reimprinting.
Then, you will be guided to a healing place, where you will be able to heal and transform whatever feels right for you.
Each of us will have our own unique healing and energetic experience. When all carried out together, this can have effects that reach far beyond us as individuals.
We will end with a beautiful and powerful reimprinting process, where we will collectively send out the vibration and vision of the reality that we wish to experience out into the universe and quantum field.
It seems like some people have given up on the manifestation game.
Even many of the “Best Life” gurus appear to have hung up their magic wands and copies of The Secret and are hoping to ride out and just get through the challenges of the global situation.
However, we believe that it’s more important than ever to focus on creating a purposeful, fulfilling life in line with your values.
Because the alternative is just taking the synthetic, anti-life “new normal” that’s being rapidly deployed before us all!
And we aren’t having that, are we?
That’s why we used the energetically potent power of the First New Moon of the New Earth Energy to open up…
The Power and Prosperity Portal!
This portal is far more than a chance to just set intentions for your life.
It’s an opportunity to influence the energetic imprint of the entire era!
Think of this as a time to STEP IN to a new hologram of you, matching the vibrational frequency of the world that you would like to bring in to being.
As above, so below. As within, so without.
So, during this session, we invite you to connect to your greatest intention for this year, for yourself and the world.
Then, it’s time to make it real. Sam will guide you to really look at your objectives and face up to your inner blocks to making them happen – the limiting beliefs and emotional blocks that can stop you taking inspired action towards your outcomes.
Then use EFT tapping and guided visualisation to release your emotional attachment to these blocks, so that they become the steps towards self-actualisation, rather than obstacles and reasons to procrastinate and play small.
With this new clarity and personal power, Trish will then guide you through The Prosperity Portal Quest.
This will support you to step into your power, grow your confidence and effortlessly attract the perfect people, situations and opportunities to help you create the kind of life you and your family need right now.
Together we will access the Prosperity Portal and energetically clear poverty consciousness, dissolving all limiting beliefs and contracts you have ever made about making, attracting, keeping and investing money.
By aligning and anchoring in the reason why you have incarnated on this planet at this time and clearing the pathway to you and your gifts, your creation and inspiration will accelerate, prosperity will arrive at your door and your connection to abundance will boom freeing you up to create the life style and community you and your family need right now.
As well as the energetic activations and clearing of blocks, you will leave this session with real world actions that you can take to move forwards in your life.
And we will also let you know how you can achieve even more creative focus and consistently step towards building a thriving life and world that you truly love!
With the ever-shifting narrative that we are facing in the world, this workshop is for anyone who is feeling stuck in any way. Or unsure on how to stick to their path with everything going on.
You may think that there are ‘real’ reasons why you haven't cracked on with your dreams and plans.
You may think it's about something practical like, the world is falling apart right now, you haven’t got the time or the childcare or the inspiration or the know-how or the right information or energy or money or a hundred and one reasons why you haven’t done what you want to do.
Guaranteed, whatever you are experiencing right now is not new.
You most probably have experienced the same kind of blocks, doubts, fear, anxiety with other projects, jobs, relationships, situations and people. You have probably heard yourself repeat the same kind of script about why or how you haven’t done what you really want to be able to do.
And all of that, which you are feeling and experiencing right now, is being magnified because of our current collective situation. The awakening and consciousness upgrade is demanding we look at and resolve all of that stuff we have been carrying around with us this life time, indeed for some, many life times.
Our ability to manifest is getting quicker and better and is in direct relationship to our underlying programs.
To birth this new paradigm we need to be connected, centred and aligned and firing on all cylinders. Meaning all of the fragmented parts of the soul in union once more. When our soul is vibrating from a place of wholeness living within 5D consciousness in this 3D reality becomes effortless.
Take a deep breath, close your eyes and ask yourself:
"On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being I am fully in my body, fully energised, focused and firing on all cylinders, where are you right now?" If it is not 10 out of 10 then where's the rest of you?
In this session, take part in Soul Retrieval with Patricia Maddalena and Matrix Reimprinting with Sam Neffendorf.
Trish will take you through a process that will uncover all that is holding you back right now.
You will create a map of the emotional, mental, physical and spiritual gateways that you are carrying in and around your body. By the end of this part of the session you will have a clear understanding of all those blocks, doubts, fears, anxieties, worry, that you hold giving you a clear map and starting point to heal, love and clear it all.
You will then see demos of those who are ready, travelling through the gateways to find the lost parts of the soul currently trapped in fear and isolation, maturing them up and integrating back into wholeness. The impact of which is rapid transformation at a deep core level.
Sam also guides those who are ready to access their ECHO’s (Energetic Consciousness Holograms) – the younger selves that are stuck in traumatic moments, so that they can be resourced to release negative emotions and limiting beliefs. Then using a Reimprinting process to bring the new understandings into your current reality, so you can stop playing small, break your conditioning and transform your life.
And, by watching, tuning in and tapping along, you will still be able to release your emotional charge and limitations through BORROWING BENEFITS.
Please bring paper, pens/coloured felts to the call.
The most requested aspect to Stepping into Your Sovereign Self, at this time, was the improving and maintaining of our physical and psychological health.
Together we look at the stress responses that were triggered in you this time last year and at various times since.
And, how they could have affected your mental, emotional and physical health and what we can do to clear it.
And of course, how whatever was triggered in you reflects earlier life patterns and beliefs...
Health Sovereignty is a corner stone to our overall health and well-being and so by clearing up the stress responses that were triggered in you, we can truly step up and create thriving and healthy lives, in line with who we truly are.
Focus, clarity and increased cognitive ability are just some of the natural consequences to this work.
Take the opportunity to;
Unpack the physical, psychological and emotional health symptoms that have been triggered in you over the last 12 months (and previously)
Watch Sam and Trish helping others to resolve their triggers using EFT, Quantum Healing, Matrix Re-imprinting and Soul Retrieval
Learn about how you can get insights for any specific health conditions, using the root cause analysis framework of META-Consciousness.
Benefit from tapping along with a group to up level consciousness both personally and collectively
Whether we like it or not, whether we know it or not, whether we are ready for it or not, we play a key role in the co-creation of this reality in which we all live.
We are led to believe that as individuals we have as much power as an ant in the real cosmic universe.
But… this is so very far from the truth.
That is the greatest delusion of them all…
Every one of us has a part to play in the creation of this NEW World.
WE as individuals are all feeding into the collective consciousness.
We are all nodes on the energetic matrix that our reality hangs upon, in and around…
It is up to us what we feed it, what we program it with…
There is a Heist happening right now… The Great Earth Swindle…The Grifters leading this con rely heavily on our ability to create reality.
We have the creative force.
They… do… not…
We have templates popping up to show us what kind of reality they wish us to create with our thoughts, fears and our energy.
Look towards Israel. This will tell you all you need to know about where this ‘potential’ timeline is headed.
In our ‘Freedom For Humanity Activation’ we co-created a new TimeLine Shift that can fully support and actively dissipate any timelines that are not in humanity’s highest good.
Together, we anchored in one that will bring in the highest possibilities for our New World and you are invited to add your energy to this.
Look towards Florida and South Carolina, where the governors have signed executive orders that they will not be bringing in so called, health passports.
The Swedish Space Agency has scrapped the program to carry out the insane tests on blocking out the sun.
Many countries will soon face a ‘wave’ of lawsuits challenging the ‘emergency measures’ that have taken economies to an all-time critical low. They will soon face trial for their crimes against humanity, our civil liberties and our freedoms.
Each man, women and child awakens and remembers who they are and why they are here and in doing so helps co-create Heaven on Earth once more.
To assist this we need to do the work in the metaphysical and make sure that all timelines governed by the lower frequencies are dismantled and dissolved and only the purest one of the Highest Frequency remains.
We also need to do the work in the physical in whatever way we are able. Sharing information, taking part in the freedom marches, free facing it in supermarkets, having your friends round for a cup of tea just not consenting or complying with the bullshit.
Whatever you feel able to contribute at this time without any judgement or expectation is a bonus. Every one of us must play our part.
If you change just one mind through out this whole time, that has unlimited potential to support a shift.
To educate is to liberate in this great awakening.
So, are you in?
During this session, we invite you to look at your fears and worries about non-compliance, about taking a stand about stepping fully into your sovereign self. Shedding your conditioning and past programming so you can take charge of your life and move towards co-creating this new timeline shift.
Sam will take you on a journey using EFT tapping and guided visualisation to release your emotional attachment to these blocks, so that they become the steps towards self-actualisation, rather than obstacles and reasons to procrastinate and play small.
Trish will then guide you through the Freedom for Humanity Quest. Together we will sit with the High council and energetically co-create the timeline that is in Humanities Highest good. Disconnecting all previous lower vibrational timelines, dissolving all codes and contracts and oaths ever taken out to negatively influence the birth of this new era.
Together we will anchor in The Freedom for Humanity timeline, which will accelerate the Great Awakening within each and every one of us.
We will then take part in a Matrix Reimprinting Collective Consciousness process, where we will connect to the quantum field to deeply embed this new energy, both us as individuals and globally.
As well as healing at a collective level, you will also feel personal benefits and may experience new insights and inner peace.
You may also connect to new and creative ways that you can take action towards individual and global transformation, on your terms.
Then, you will be guided to a healing place, where you will be able to heal and transform whatever feels right for you.
Each of us will have our own unique healing and energetic experience. When all carried out together, this can have effects that reach far beyond us as individuals.
The focus for this Quest is to clear whatever has been holding you back in your life right now, pressing that reset button, connecting you back in and filling you up with some life force from Source Energy. Designed to keep your energetic systems clear which in turn will have a direct impact on how you feel day to day. So, if you're feeling tired, low in energy, depressed, anxious, wrung out or just would like to stay on top of your game, full of energy and vibing high then this Quest is for you.
Access energy activations and 5D codes to help you clear away anything that is holding you back in life. Together we travel your time lines tracking the parts of you stuck, fragmented in time and space.
Reuniting with their soul energy, anchoring them back into your body, back into this time zone thus dissolving all of those detrimental behaviours they were responsible for which means you’ll be vibrating from a place of WHOLENESS. A more Sovereign space, aligned with your soul's purpose. Making good informed decisions, feeling confident in who you are and what you do. Awakened and acting from a place of creation rather than reaction.
This session was initially held at the 11/11/20 portal and was designed to hold space for a collective consciousness session, connecting to the quantum field to shift and transform the collective vibration for both us as individuals and globally.
It can now be used at any time that you wish to meditate with a focus on bringing in the energy of the New Earth.
We use the full Collective Consciousness Protocol from Matrix Reimprinting. It was created by the founder of Matrix Reimprinting, Karl Dawson as a way to work together as a collective on transforming the energy of global events.
As well as healing at a collective level, you will also feel personal benefits and may experience new insights and inner peace.
During this session, you will tune into the collective field of the current global situation and clear whatever energy and emotion comes up using EFT tapping and Matrix Reimprinting.
Then, you will be guided to a healing place, where you will be able to heal and transform whatever feels right for you.
It ends with a beautiful and powerful reimprinting process, where you can contribute to the collective vibration of the reality that we wish to experience out into the universe and quantum field.
To make these activations and energy sessions as accessible as possible, we are offering a range of price points between £22 and £88. You can pay whichever level is affordable and feels right to you.
Here are some of the outcomes that people have experienced, through taking part in one or more of these sessions:
I have always been pretty good at manifestations. Always believed I could do anything I put my mind to.
However, December 21st 2020, I signed off my first book, The Natural Wellness Journal with Bilbao Press, praying that it would be out before Christmas. I was told that it would be 10-15 days to go live with them. I was devastated. I asked if Amazon could do a pre- order. Apparently impossible, whole different format to be done.
Exhausted, as I had written it in less than three months, I collapsed and joined this collective consciousness meditation and tapped with Sam, meditated Patricia Maddalena with amazing music for the winter solstice. It was an phenomenal experience. Gently led, so full of hope and connection, just kept visualising my book on Amazon.
On Boxing Day, despite being told it was completely impossible, I just had a quick look on Amazon. There was my book!!! Published date... December 21st!!! The Universe and all that!!!
I can never thank you guys enough! I truly believe that you opened up the portal to my work.
Bless you from the bottom of my heart – Philly J Lay, Author
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
I got the rainbow serpent and codes flooding through last night So so so strong I couldn’t even stop to figure it out
Just woosh of light and colours then codes
Then I did the meditation All of it All the way through to Uluru Felt that MASSIVELY
I had leaking eyes for at least half an hour afterwards Physical body Emotional body Mental body Spirit body Soul body All recharging
Energies are flowing beautifully this morning Thank you to you all - Sea Sea Sodhi, Ayurvedic Chef
And here are some shorter comments that people have made during the sessions:
Cosmic connection. So much light and powerful love energy.
That was completely amazing! Thank you so much! A perfect way to spend an evening
That was off the scale all things Cosmos, thank you so much!
Felt a lot of heat coming through y body at the beginning when visualising the source at the beginning
It was super lovely to connect with you all X I imagined us all connected with gold thread sitting in that circle. Thank you for the journey all.
Beautiful, thank you. The connection and possibility of the ultimate timeline is so empowering, the grounding at the end was really strong.
All is unfolding as it should, strive to be happy. Lovely connection & group, I feel many other souls connecting into this process
The colour of the light I saw was brilliant, white blue and rich gold. There was laughter of children!
My vision of waterfall of energies some any colours hard to describe
This is the best I have felt for a year. I wrote peace…I feel it now . Bless you
Oh my God, that was immense. so so so powerful. thank you so much.
so beautiful…almost don’t want to break the spell by speaking!
Takes me back to 1991 but without the drugs!!!
Goosebumps on the parts of me, I didn’t know possible!
Feeling peace and euphoria. Send in each and every one of you so much love and gratitude.
That was mind blowing... I had to replay the second 40 mins because I totally conked out, and now feel not of this world.
That was rather epic! Thank you Patricia, thank you Sam and all that attended / are to experience this magical journey. Sat processing and journalling. Life had already started to make sense, but now, wow. That was something else. So many visions and inquiries answered.
Wow! so many visions and clarity. Thank you. Best way to start a Monday :)
Thank you Sam! Saw the trees all over the planet connecting, and then also with all the lonely people, into a beautiful colorful light network!
Thank you so much - i have lost my fear that had been sitting in my heart xx
Fear is gone.. I moved a ton of energy. Couldn't stop yawning. Relaxed.. need a nap.
Just had a wonderful floating in the sea moment, and shift in perception that all is well!
So much more awareness of my own blocks thanks to everyone who has shared, thank you
Made a FAB connection with Earth and all those healthy veggies just before you said it. Next to a large organic carrot! And earth smell!
Felt all tingly as the old contracts dissolved and could feel my vibration changing
I found my purpose and it took me a while but I'm so fulfilled now, now prosperity will follow
Thank-you very much for helping me create a lovely sense of my own internal abundance.. Future self felt very embedded in community abundance and good food! So nice to reconnect with our own vision & purpose, versus the negative drama being played out. Looking forward to playing with you all in it somehow!!
Thank you I went deep and saw in my third eyes a beautiful place full of abundance ,joy and Nature was at its best so find it hard to come back to here and now thank you both and Namaste xx
Thank you Trish, Sam and all for the joint energy shift work on all levels x
Watch our recent conversation on Freedom For Humanity
Tapping and the other techniques we are using can be very powerful. As we aren't there with you, you must take full responsibility for your physical, mental and emotional health if you choose to take part in these sessions, whether tapping or just listening in.
As with all practices, whether complementary or normal medical/psychological, results can never be guaranteed.
Nothing in this workshop replaces medical advice. Your primary caregiver is your GP or medical professional.
By signing up to the workshops, you agree with this disclaimer.
Your Guides For These Sessions
Patricia Maddalena is an NLP Master, Trainer, Integration Therapist and best selling Amazon author in the UK and USA. A teacher on the international platform IAUSM she works with people on a global scale helping raise the personal and collective consciousness of humanity.
She is a channel for the High Council and one of the first of the ground crew to waken up in 1999. She had her 13 strands of DNA activated on the 21st of Dec 1999 at The White Spring in Avalon with 12 other Soul seeds ready to embark on their mission... Exactly 21 years ago from the 21st of December 2020!
Sam Neffendorf guides people to create thriving and healthy lives that they love, with self-healing at the core of that journey.
As a META-Consciousness and EFT Trainer and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, he inspires people to stand up for themselves, reach new levels of health and realise their potential to have an amazing life.
Holistic practices enabled him to escape a life of workplace burnout and stress related ill health, as well as naturally becoming a dad (twice), having been told by his doctor that this was extremely unlikely to happen, due to an “untreatable” condition.
Over the last 8 years, Sam has helped over 1000 people to heal themselves and transform their lives.
We are sure that you will absolutely love the sessions and the benefits that you receive from taking part in this set. If you are unsatisfied for any reason, just let us know within 30 days of purchase and we will refund your payment.