Free Matrix Collective Consciousness Tapping Session


Wednesday 11th November (11/11) at 8pm CET/7PM UK/2PM ET

As the birth of our new reality enters into its next contraction phase, let’s create a powerful collective field of intention to bring in the highest possible timeline.


Energetically, we are in an exciting time right now, which started on the Samhain Blue Moon and continues right through until the Winter Solstice on 21st December 2020 where there is a 20 Year Jupiter/Saturn Great Conjunction.


This makes the next couple of months an incredibly potent time for manifestation. Therefore I would be delighted to hold space for a collective consciousness session where we will connect to the quantum field to shift and transform the collective vibration for both us as individuals and globally.


We will be using the Collective Consciousness Protocol from Matrix Reimprinting. It was created by the founder of Matrix Reimprinting, Karl Dawson as a way to work together as a collective on transforming the energy of global events.


As well as healing at a collective level, you will also feel personal benefits and may experience new insights and inner peace.


During this session, we will tune into the collective field of the current global situation and each individually clear whatever energy and emotion comes up for us using EFT tapping and Matrix Reimprinting.


Then, you will be guided to a healing place, where you will be able to heal and transform whatever feels right for you.


Each of us will have our own unique healing and energetic experience. When all carried out together, this can have effects that reach far beyond us as individuals.


We will end with a beautiful and powerful reimprinting process, where we will collectively send out the vibration of the reality that we wish to experience out into the universe and quantum field.


The session will be on Wednesday 11/11 at 8pm Central European/7PM UK/2PM ET


It will be held on Zoom video conferencing and you’ll get an invitation to join the session (for free) by email before it begins.


There will be a replay available that will be sent out to everyone that signs up.


Additionally, I will also send out my Tapping for Self-Help Video Course to everyone that signs up, so you have a strong foundation in how to support yourself, your family and anyone else as required.




Tapping can be very powerful. As I’m not there with you, you must take full responsibility for your physical, mental and emotional health if you choose to take part in this session, whether tapping or just listening in.


As with all practices, whether complementary or normal medical/psychological, results can never be guaranteed.


Nothing in this workshop replaces medical advice. Your primary caregiver is your GP or medical professional.


By signing up to the free workshop, you agree with this disclaimer.


To book your place, at no cost, please click this button and enter your name and email address.


And, if you can’t make it live, you can still benefit personally and add your energy and intention collectively by listening to the replay!

This is a free session and I will continue to offer more of them for as long as people feel called to take part.


If you would like to support me in this work, you can make donations via Paypal or various cryptocurrencies by clicking on the buttons below, which will be very gratefully received.

Host For This Session - Sam Neffendorf


Sam loves guiding people to create thriving and healthy lives that they love, with self-healing at the core of that journey. 


As a META-Consciousness Coach, EFT Trainer and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner, he inspires people to stand up for themselves, reach new levels of health and realise their potential to have an amazing life.


Holistic practices enabled him to escape a life of workplace burnout and stress related ill health, as well as naturally becoming a dad (twice), having been told by his doctor that this was extremely unlikely to happen, due to an “untreatable” condition.


Over the last 8 years, Sam has helped over 1000 people to heal themselves and transform their lives.